With regards to the integration of gaming and blockchain, one should first consider the fundamental nature underlying game contents and services. In the face of the current blockchain gold rush ”, various industries are attempting to integrate their businesses with blockchain technologies. Many integration attempts are also being made in the gaming industry, with a great emphasis on digital asset transactions. Such project s carry significant implications as they enable blockchain based trading of items and tokens created during game play as well as the trading of users’ game data.
KUY Network will also provide such new services built on the back of effectively utilized blockchain technologies. Our goal is to create a network and services that incorporate fundamental characteristics of gaming , which in our view is the only way to truly bring blockchain game integration to realization .
The essential nature of gaming is that it is experience driven Games are not a category of services
which are accessed only when deemed necessary . Users repeatedly undergo exhilarating experiences from games , namely by spending time to play earn rewards, deeply immerse themselves in game play and ultimately gain a sense of accomplishment. This is an essential facet of gaming. In contrast, services in other sectors such as finance and healthcare are accessed on a needs basis, and are largely function based in that the frequency or extent of use is predetermined. Functional needs such as the size of a potential financial transaction or the severity of one’s illness will be the basic determining factor for their use of service. For instance, do people have a habit of accessing their online bank accounts whenever there is free time , or regularly replaying scenes of past medical treatment procedures ? Most likely not. This explains the essential nature of gaming as an experience driven service and we believe that integrating this with blockchain can lead to game services with disruptive power.
As explained above , game related asset trading services can only go so far . Asset trading is not based on the repetitive and continuous experiences that make up of the core of enjoyment in gaming , but rather on specific needs when transactions are found to be necessary, making it difficult to achieve either economy of scale or sustainability.